Currently I'm running Photoshop CS3 on my Mac, and have no plans to upgrade to CS4 any time soon. But I do like to know what CS4 may be doing regarding Woven Pixel techniques. This morning I took the opportunity to use CS4 on a borrowed Mac, and at first look I am not happy with it, for the following reason. When I select an area of the screen and try to save it as a pattern preset in order to build a weave library, I find that the Define Pattern command is nowhere to be found in the Edit menu. In fact it's nowhere in any menu. Crisis! After I calmed down, I did discover an item at the very end of the Edit menu, "Show All Menu Items," and after I click on that, the Define Pattern and Preset Manager items are back in the Edit menu where we are accustomed to seeing them. Whew. But (and here's the kicker) you have to choose "Show All Menu Items" every single time you use the Define Pattern command. What a drag! I went to the Preferences to see if there is a way to change this behavior, but I have not found one. If any of you Photoshop gurus out there know of a way around this dilemma, please let me know. Until then, I'm sticking with CS3.
In Torah Mantle news, I've cut the fabric in five pieces—two with borders for each mantle and one plain piece for the tops. The ends are serged, and tomorrow the fabric will go into the wash for preshrinking.
I've picked up the acrylic pieces from the plastics company, and I'll have to go to the Temple to check that they are an acceptable size, as the holes were cut a little skimpily. There's plenty of margin for error here, but I'm going to check anyway. The acrylic pieces will be the actual pattern for the tops of the mantles, as well as being the interior structural supports.
Also on the shopping list: lining fabric.