I promised you that yesterday's bird's nest would soon be history. This morning I completed the tying-on of the new warp, then gently pulled the warp forward. This view is from behind the heddles.
A few of the knots had to be eased through the heddles, but the rest traversed without complaint.
Then the knots had to be pulled through the reed. Piece of cake.
Then the knotted ends were cut off, the new ends gently combed and tied to the rod on the cloth apron. Ready to weave.
Now all of this could have been avoided if I had properly calculated the first warp. But tying-on is not a bad occupation for a few days. I isolate myself inside the loom; it's like being in my own little house. I listen to my favorite podcasts on my iPod. I don't answer the phone. I forget to make dinner. A mini-vacation.