This post is part of a series describing the weaving and construction of a set of Torah Mantles. To see the whole series, go to Categories in the sidebar and click on Torah Mantles.
Now that the mantles are completed all that remains is to make a new set of bands to hold the scrolls together while they are in the ark. The old bands have lost their elasticity and are way too loose. It will be nice to have the bands match the mantles, too.
At first I thought I would weave them on the inkle loom,
…but after a few inches, it became apparent that the weight was wrong. These bands will have to be very pliable so that they can be sewn into a casing for elastic. I have scraps of the mantle fabric left over, but these are too heavy as well. So it's back to the warping board.
I'll be warping for a plain weave at 20 epi in the cottolin yarn. This will be the lightest weight fabric I can weave with this particular yarn, and I think it will work well. The chains are ready,
…and tomorrow I'll spread and beam the warp.