The past couple of days have been spent in tying on a new two-color warp to my previous dobby warp (the one I used for the torah mantles). The new warp is unmercerized 16/2 cotton in rust and natural, end-and-end. Here's the region of knots, behind the shafts. When all 900 knots are tied, I'll pull the warp through the heddles and reed and tie onto the cloth apron rod, ready for weaving.
And here's another example of controlled chaos; this one is the back of the weft-backed satin jacquard-woven piece I wrote about a few days ago. The wefts not appearing on the surface are tacked every 36 ends on the back. That's why this structure is only suitable for fabrics in which the "wrong" side is hidden or protected, such as upholstery or wall hangings.