The torah mantles I wove and constructed two years ago have developed snags from some rough places on the backs of the silver breastplates (the story of these mantles can be reviewed by going to the sidebar, under Categories, and clicking on Torah Mantles).
When I went to investigate the damage, I found this:
If you click on the picture to enlarge, you can clearly see the snags. BTW, for you Network Drafting aficionados, this is not camera shake! The jagged edges on the trees are the result of a large initial in the network. In other words, they are intentional.
To continue: I opened up the lining seam at the bottom to gain access to the wrong side of the cloth…
…and was able to pull the snags to the wrong side with a tiny crochet hook (which I had fortunately added to my sewing kit before I left home), and then stitch them down securely by hand with fine sewing thread.
Then I stitched the lining back in place. The right side looks (almost) as good as new.
Back where they belong! And I've advised the folks who need to know about these things that the backs of the breastplates need more smoothing.
Now here's an update to the sailboat story. You may recall that last week we worked on the sail for Catalina's boat. I promised to tell you how the boat itself is coming along. Willy sent me some snapshots. They serve as a reminder that inspired chaos brings forth great work. You just have to have faith.