The dobby samples I showed you yesterday were constructed of 8-end granites, which can be used on any shaft loom with a multiple of 8 shafts: 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, etc; my actual samples were on 40 shafts. Today's samples are constructed of 16-end granites, interleaved with a second granite in a weft-backed construction. To read more about weft-backed weaves, take a look at Chapter 11 of The Woven Pixel (see sidebar).
Here's the back story on these samples: I'm doing a piece for an exhibition featuring bamboo, and I wanted to weave it on the TC-1 (jacquard). I thought it would be fun to experiment with granite weaves and use some of my stash of bamboo yarn. As I am not limited to number of shafts in this case, I put together a series of 16-end granites, plugged them into my design, and sampled with several combinations of bamboo and other yarns. The warp is black 20/2 cotton, and all the samples use two wefts.
Reading the samples from bottom to top, the first weft pair is beige silk noil and moss green bamboo; the second is pinkish rayon bouclé and off-white bamboo; and the third is gray cotton marl and off-white bamboo.
I'll probably weave more samples over the weekend (as long as we don't lose power!). I'm loving granite.