I've commented a lot recently about my resolution never to thread another loom. That means I will be tying on to existing warps. The warp on my dobby loom is straight draw, and I like doing my Photoshop work with straight draw anyway, so that is not an issue. The threading on the TC-1 never changes (single thread control), so that's not an issue either.
My problem is not that complex threadings are by their nature difficult to thread; there are various systems for making that job easier. Treadling the threading on a computer-assisted loom is just one of them. The problem for me, as I pile on the years, is one of vision. The distance from the front shaft to the rear shaft of my 40-shaft loom is just too deep for my eyes to focus on comfortably. A second problem is that, no matter how I arrange my seating, my back just can't accomodate the shaft depth while threading the heddles.
But never say never.
Through a series of mishaps (stupidities, really), which are too shameful to relate here, I find that I have to rethread my 8-shaft loom. The depth of vision requirement for 8 shafts is not so terrible!
So my mishap has turned into an opportunity to try a new threading, based on some current granite experiments. I'm very excited about this new turn of events. It opens up a fruitful area of exploration for 8-shaft weavers. I'll let you know how it goes.