Time passes, the seasons change. A tree came down on the Trail after the recent snow.
Snow doesn't last long around here, but there was enough for a small snowman. I think a biker must have taken a two-minute break for this one.
If you are following the saga of the Monstera, the leaf we have been watching is almost completely open. The energy revealed in this unfurling is impressive.
Back in the studio, I basted narrow woven strips together...
...then stitched overlapped seams on the sewing machine, and laid out the pattern pieces.
After cutting, I fused 1/2" strips of lightweight interfacing to all the cut edges to halt unraveling.
After sewing the shoulder seams together and sewing a bias strip facing around the neck edge, I tried the partial garment on and discovered, to my horror, that I couldn't get it on over my head, even though in the test garment it was big enough. Seems that the fused interfacings on the neck edge didn't allow enough give in what would otherwise be a bias situation. After a bit of tugging and adjusting, and more than a few bad words, I salvaged the situation. Whew.
The garment is now finished and it fits, and I love it. I'll try to get some decent pictures and show it to you when next we meet.
BTW, I've had my second Covid shot and have experienced no side effects whatsoever. Life is good.