At last the fourth strip of the stash-buster blanket is woven. At the very end of the warp, just before putting in the waste yarn (green), I've woven in a pick of smooth cotton yarn as a separator. After I cut the weaving off just in front of the reed, I take the piece directly to the sewing machine. As I slowly pull out the separator yarn, a few inches at a time, it leaves a clear space so that I can zigzag stitch along the final pick of the blanket, without catching the waste yarn in the stitching. Then I trim the warp a quarter inch away from the stitching (the blanket will be hemmed; no fringe here).
A closer look.
All cut off and flung on the floor. Really. What a relief.
After a soak in a nice warm bathtub (the blanket, not me), the water is extracted in the spin cycle of the washing machine and the blanket hung up in the garage to dry. Here's a glamour shot in the garage. Assembly details in a few days.
Meanwhile, other work goes on. A quick trip to the grocery, for instance.
Full disclosure: I'm normally a chocolate lover, but there is one thing I crave above all other desserts, and that is carrot cake. In the bakery display in the very front of the store was this lurid object.
It really stopped me in my tracks. No, I did not buy it. The deal breaker was the number of calories (in fine print). Click to enlarge, if you can stand it.