Although there is still plenty of green, I have been spotting signs that a change of seasons is not far off.
In the studio, I'm still sampling jin in various configurations. I wanted to tie a new tencel warp onto this finished tencel-and-cotton warp, but I remembered that the end loops of the warp had no way of staying put while the tieing-on was happening. I trapped them with a liberal application of artist's tape over and under, and then proceeded with the tie-on.
Effort successful. Here's the finished scarf, tencel warp and weft. Red, beige and turquoise warp, orange weft. There are a few ends of black warp on either side for a tubular double weave selvedge (thank you, Pat!).
Sixteen shafts, twelve for the pattern and four for selvedges.
On the four-shaft loom, there is also jin. The dishtowel warp is yellow 5/2 cotton and two ends of 10/2 (blue & brown) held together for the second color. Weft is green 10/2 cotton. 24 epi, 18 ppi. I think in my zeal to practice stash reduction, I wound up with a less than wonderful color palette.
On the other hand...
In the Department of Books:
Just finished reading Lily's Promise by Lily Ebert & Dov Forman.