Thank you, everyone, for your messages of concern following Hurricane Helene. We are fine, and experienced the inconvenience of loss of power for a few days, and loss of Internet for two weeks. The rest of Greenville was not so fortunate. Nor was nearby Asheville, NC, which was devastated and will be years in recovering.
Small joys: a loom that does not require power or internet to operate! I have been weaving away on my Nilus in the interim. I'm still trying to formulate a system for using the 3-end block draft I have been discussing in recent posts. I hope a small monograph will be the result. Eventually.
Here is group of screen grabs of one of these funky 4-shaft drafts, four ways. All have the same threading, treadling, and color orders. The only thing that changes in each of these four is the tieup, which has been shifted one position in each example. Click to enlarge.
Department of Books:
I have just read The Ambassadors by Henry James, Catalina by Karla Cornego Villavicencio, and Canada by Richard Ford.