You may have wondered what has taken my so long. Well, I have been getting my ducks in a row.
In addition to trying to enjoy the beautiful fall weather, I have enrolled is a few Zoom classes to sharpen some skills.
One of them is a book making class taught by the always wonderful Ali Manning of Vintage Page Designs.
My class project took advantage of some crinkled brown wrapping paper rescued from a yarn shipment. I painted the paper with watercolors and tried to iron out the crinkles as best I could.
This was a perfect opportunity to review my coptic spine moves, something I've neglected in recent months. The signature wrappers were also rescued from the scrap pile. I didn't buy a single new thing for this book! Extra points.
I also cut off the Daldråll pieces from my 4-shaft loom and spread them out on the porch floor for some quick snapshots. This is the version with Black Welsh Mountain handspun as the pattern weft.
And here is my variation with some unknown handspun, probably Romney, as pattern weft.
I much prefer the black version.
Back on the porch, my Christmas Cactus (mother plant and daughter just beside her) are enjoying their summer outdoors (thank you, Ruth!). It will be a shame to have to bring them indoors in a month or two.
In the Department of Books, just finished reading Seven For a Secret by Mary Webb. I was quite surprised to learn that there are at least six other authors who have written books with this same title, and probably many others. This one is--to put it politely--a little dated, but I did enjoy it.