The fabric from yesterday's post has been washed & tumbled dry. Here are scans of the face and reverse of the cloth. Click to enlarge. Very fun!
My word, did this ever shrink!!! Take-up and shrinkage in both directions was a whopping 25%. Beware.
The draft is on as 74557.
It is interesting to compare the scale differential of the deflected double weave at 40 epi (small sample) and 20 epi (large sample). Exactly the same draft. In fact, the larger sample was tied onto the warp of the smaller sample, after resleying the reed.
I may go yet a bit bigger yarnwise & settwise, in order to weave something that after shrinkage will be wide enough to be a placemat, instead of a wimpy washcloth.
Now, in other news, I'm saving my spent tealeaves & wrapping them up in white linen to stain them randomly for who knows what. Maybe some stitching.
And today we finally broke loose from confinement and ventured downtown to see the sights. What a gorgeous almost-fall day, clear and windy and cool. The few strolling folks we met were (mostly) masked, and we easily found parking. It was so good to have a change of scenery. Bruce did his click! click! click! thing, and I just looked around in amazement at all the changes. It was too windy to get the sketchbook out.
The wild boar gave his attention to the hand sanitizer kiosk.
The sign in the window of the Chocolate Moose Bakery is a Julia Child quote: A Party without cake is really just a meeting. All Zoomers take note.
Yes, it was great to get out. I must do it more often. Instead of sitting around the breakfast table taking selfies with a spoon.