I'm Alice Schlein, a weaver in South Carolina. A few times a week I write about my weaving, Network Drafting, Amalgamation, bread baking, my morning walks, and whatever else strikes my fancy. Thanks for stopping by! Comments are welcome.



  • Echo Weave
    Based on the 1996 article in Weaver's, Issue 32. With brand new diagrams and high resolution scans of original fabrics. Pdf available for immediate download. $7. USD. Available from LoftyFiber.
  • A Crepe Is Not Just a Pancake
    52 pages of text, b&w and color diagrams, and drafts for multishaft tradle & dobby looms. Many color photos of actual cloth. Methods for drafting your own crepe weaves. Annotated bibliography. Pdf available for immediate download. $21. USD. From LoftyFiber.
  • Lampas for Shaft Looms
    Class notes from Complex Weavers Seminars 2016, newly revised and formatted, in pdf form for download. A review of methods for designing your own lampas fabrics for treadle looms, table looms, and dobbies, eight shafts and above. Over 90 color photos of actual fabrics with drafts. Includes info on pickup lampas and a lampas bibliography. View on a computer, or print out one copy for your own use. USD$21. From LoftyFiber.
  • Amalgamation: Double Your Dobby
    24-pages of text, diagrams, and color photographs, in pdf format for download. Create drafts for 8 or more shafts in half-drop or brick arrangements which would normally require twice the number of shafts. Related to network drafting, this is a technique for intermediate or advanced weavers with dobby looms or multi-shaft table looms. Includes guidelines for amalgamation with current weaving applications. View on a computer, or print out one copy for your own use. USD$21. Available from LoftyFiber.


Tieing It All Together

If you've been following along on this crazy system I'm fiddling with (nicknamed "Trio"), here's a photo of three samples (top row front, bottom row back of the same samples):

Janv front and back 3 samples sm

All three were woven on the exact same warp, same threading & color repeats, with the exact same treadling, one shuttle. The only difference between the samples is the tieup:
Janv front and back 3 samples sm

I am quite astonished at the results. I really can't explain what's going on, but I'm writing it all up and will say more when I have more to say.

Meanwhile here's another thing that astonished me a couple of days ago, at that mysterious couple of minutes just before sunset: the rosy, golden light from the sun as it plunges to earth (or so it seems).
Janv front and back 3 samples sm

I think life is going to improve as soon as our covid quarantine is over. Stay warm out there. Happy weaving.

September 01, 2024

August 09, 2024

August 06, 2024

July 01, 2024

June 29, 2024

June 04, 2024

April 08, 2024

November 21, 2023

November 16, 2023

September 03, 2023