A day in the life. Maybe a couple of days, actually.
It's been really busy around here. Some wonderful folks have come to visit, and it's been such fun to show them around my studio. I love it when I get the really good questions. My favorite is the one about how I got started weaving. I always credit Mrs. Julia Loso, my 6th grade teacher. Thank you, Mrs. Loso. Thank you thank you.
The Bateman weave (Park Weave, specifically) is off the 8-shaft loom, washed & dried. It looks pretty good after its bath. Nice squishy texture. It will be a good towel.
Around the lake, everything is looking extra verdant, especially after the recent abundant rains.
Farther afield, C and I have been exploring. This morning we strolled along the streets of Slater Marietta.
Here's the old Post Office.
Some of the signage is showing its age.
The residents have a fine sense of humor.
Always good to share adventures with a friend.
Back at home, I am very intrigued by the concept of polyvalence, as introduced by Olivier Masson. Many thanks to Muffy & Beryl for guiding me along this path. I'm still not sure of my way, but every day brings new insights. This afternoon I added color to a warp, and was very surprised at the result.