The diaries are finished. Here's #12 on the wall for a snapshot. I don't know what will happen to them next. They'll have to sit and age for a while.
The weather was pleasant and I reconnected with the outdoors. Lots of green out there. I'm luckier than many.
Fresh mown grass. Can you smell it?
Time to reconnect with a project begun over a year ago. This was before the move. I had acquired an interesting little loom from Chuck Jones and put a warp on it. It was my first attempt at Sami band weaving. After a year I had forgotten everything I learned first time around, and had to relearn. So there were mistakes. And inconsistencies. But I finished a band with not too many wobbles and floaters. The characteristic curved Sami shuttle is in the background. A lot of what I learned came from this wonderful book.
Here's what a typical heddle looks like. You can find one here.
But I digress. Willy, who is building a boat (a flats skiff for fly fishing in the shallows), asked me to weave a band for his fishing hat. The Sami band was perfect. I delivered the hat with newly installed band this morning. He's got a considerable way to go on the boat, but at least he has his favorite hat back.